One of the most frequently asked questions I am asked is how one can workout and eat properly while I am fasting. Here are some valuable tips my trainer Rehan Jalali, who is also Sylvester Stallone's trainer, gave me! The best time to do a weight training workout is not while fasting. This can create way too much muscle breakdown and cause a significant rise in the catabolic hormone cortisol. Training while in a state of dehydration can decrease strength significantly. Training while you are fasting can actually be more detrimental than beneficial. The best time to weight-train during Ramadan is after taraweh prayers at night. This will insure that you will have several meals and plenty of water in your system before going to the gym. This will also allow you to consume your all-important post workout meal or shake, which is essential for muscle growth and even fat loss. If this is too late then the next best time to weight train is about one hour after Iftar before taraweh prayer. You could do a short but intense 20-30 minute workout. The best time to do cardio for maximum fat loss is before suhur - yep that's the truth. Of course, most people I know will not want to get up at 3: 30 am and do cardio! If you can pull this off then the best thing to do is get up and drink plenty of water with a cup of coffee, green tea, or oolong tea, wait 30 minutes and perform 30-45 minutes of moderate intensity cardio like a brisk walk on a treadmill. If this is out of the question for you, then the next bsest time to do cardio is approximately 30-45 minutes after a light iftar. Short, high intensity cardio like sprinting is actually great during Ramadan. It takes less than 10 minutes and provides maximum benefit in terms of fat burning and lean muscle preservation! So now you know when to train, it's time to learn what to eat and drink (think water, water, and more water!) Ramadan meal plan for fat loss and muscle gain Suhur - Eat six-eight egg whites (one yolk) - One bowl of plain oatmeal with cinnamon, raisins and a banana - One teaspoon of all-natural peanut butter or olive oil or flax seed oil - Plenty of water (16-24 oz.) - Multi-vitamin/mineral Iftar Three dates and a protein shake (40 to 50 gms) and plenty of water For cardio workouts Do cardio 45 minutes after this meal for 30-45 minutes at a moderate pace or do a sprint workout if you have less time and then have the next meal before taraweh. For weight training days Eat another meal before taraweh like chicken breast (or baked salmon), brown rice and some veggies OR baked fish (Salmon, Tuna, Orange Roughy, or Mahi Mahi), sweet potato, and steamed veggies Drink plenty of water during taraweh Go to the gym after taraweh. Drink plenty of water during the workout and you can even have a sports drink of your choice. After workout, have another nutrition shake and lots of water. Then sleep till suhur.