Kuwait - KUNA
A Health Ministry official said Saturday vaccinations' usein Kuwait has been on the rise and covering many infectious diseases.Vaccination against tuberculosis has reached 97 percent, and 98 percent against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough (pertussis), hepatitis (B), influenza, polio andhaemophilus, Dr. Ghalia Al-Mutairi, Director of Awareness Committee of InfectiousDiseases and Coronavirus, said in a statement on the occasion of the WorldImmunization Week.She said the health ministry was keen on providing different kinds of vaccinationsfor all ages, specially in kindergartens and schools. Al-Mutairi noted provision ofPneumococcal vaccine for children.She said mortality rate among children under five years old has declined from 11 tonine for every 1,000 children between 2000 and 2011. Mortality rate among motherswas 14 for every 100,000 in 2010, she added. Al-Mutairi said the ministry has vaccinations against around 25 infectious diseases,specifically among children. She said teenagers and adults could be vaccinated against life-threatening diseaseslike the flu, meningtitis and some types of cancer.On the World Immunization Week, Al-Mutairi her committee was organizingactivities including lectures, distribution of flyers, creating smartphone applicationsover vaccination, sending awareness messages through radio, tv and social medianetworks.The activities are about the minor side-effects of vaccinations like high temperatureand how to deal with them in general.