Egyptian heart institute

Health Minister Adel Adawy said on Wednesday that the National Heart Institute received EGP 110 million to fund the development of the health facility.

The first phase of the three-staged project would be delivered this month, the minister said.

The institute's emergency division, the outpatient clinics and the air-conditioning network would be renovated this month, he said.

Under the development project the blood bank would be restructured while number of students at the attached nursing school would be increased to 100, he added.

A new training programs were introduces to help providing short and long term courses, he said.

The information system would also be upgraded using the available mechanized system.

At least 40 surveillance cameras have been installed in the important corners, he added.

"The institute is now linked with four other hospitals," he said, adding, a platform titled 'Tele Medicine' is available to establish a comprehensive network covering education with medication services.

Health and Finance ministries discuss the injection of more EGP 46 million to finance the free of charge services, the minister said.