One in twelve children suffers from food allergies which could lead to nausea, rash or even death. Food allergy is a health problem which seems simple but in reality is of real concern to sufferers and their families. Moreover, food allergies can cause significant problems that should not be taken lightly. Simple types of food that people eat daily can cause symptoms ranging from eczema to migraine to irritable bowel syndrome or even bloating and asthma. \"People who have food allergies may have severe headaches, migraines, tiredness, fatigue, weight problems, eczema, psoriasis, asthma, runny nose, sinus congestion, digestive disorders, anxiety, and depression,\" said Dr Ehab Yousuf, consultant allergist to gulfnews. \"Sometimes lips immediately balloon up when one eats shellfish. Others might feel sick and vomit after eating an egg,\" he added.