Foot-and-mouth disease

The foot-and-mouth disease which affected a part of the Algerian bovine livestock past summer is "totally under control," said Thursday in Algiers, head of veterinary services department at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Karim Boughalem.
"Currently, I can say that the disease is totally under control even if the risk of recording one or two sporadic cases still exists," Boughalem said on the sidelines of the handing over of the Indian donation of vaccines against this animal disease.
Past summer, the first outbreak of the foot-and-mouth disease in Algeria was in the locality of Bir El Arch (25 July) following the illegal introduction of feeder cattle from Tunisia.
Boughalem declared that the 95% of the national bovine livestock is vaccinated, i.e. an “important" rate, according to the same official.