Ebola disease

 French Health Ministry announced on Saturday that the young French nurse with volunteer organization Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) who was infected with Ebola virus during a mission in Liberia "is now cured and left hospital."
The young French, brought back to France on Sept. 19, has been hospitalized in Begin Military Hospital near Paris, where she received "experimental treatment."
The organization MSF expressed his "immense relief" after the ministry announcement.
According to MSF, since the beginning of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa in March 2014, the medical and non-medical departments of health in the countries affected by the virus and NGOs that support them were widely exposed to the disease.
Thus, the number of medical personnel infected with the virus since the beginning of the Ebola epidemic was estimated to more than 373, of whom 208 did not survive. Since March 2014, 16 MSF staff have contracted the virus, nine of whom died.