Genetic predisposition to low vitamin D

Based on a large scale health data analysis of tens of thousands of Europeans, researchers found that those with a genetic predisposition to low vitamin D might be at higher rise of multiple sclerosis (MS).

Researchers from McGill University in Canada divided the Europeans into two groups: one with a genetic predisposition to low vitamin D and one without the predisposition, according to the new study, published in the British journal PLoS Medicine. They then compared the prevalence of MS in the two groups.

Researchers said people genetically prone to lower blood levels of a marker of vitamin D had a higher risk of having MS than those without the predisposition.

Normally, people can get vitamin D through sunlight and various food sources, including oily fish, eggs, fortified breakfast cereals. But some people may not get enough.

There are other studies that are testing if it is possible to prevent or alleviate MS by giving people more vitamin D. The findings of this new study might further support the notion.