More than 1,000 people died in Germany last year from using illegal drugs, a reportby the country's drug watchdog said Thursday.The number of drug deaths has increased every year since 2009, and was up about 6per cent since the previous year. Of the 1,002 people who died, 83 per cent were men,the report said. The average age was 38.In addition, the number of reported first-time users consumers of the highlyaddictive and dangerous fashion drug cystal meth rose to 2,746 in 2013 -- anincrease of about 7 percent, and the eighth year in a row the number had increased.Crystal meth is a form of methamphetamine and is a synthetic drug in crystallineform. It can kill nerve cells and cause psychosis and brain damage, experts warn.Many addicts suffer from paranoia, memory problems and anxiety.Police in Germany recorded 3,847 cases of crystal meth use last year, almost 10percent more than in 2012. The number of deaths caused by amphetamines  andmethamphetamine was about 65, but none were attributed to crystal meth.Authorities seized 77 kilos of crystal meth was seized last year in Germany, morethan ever before.The majority of the crystal meth intended for the German market was produced in inthe Czech Republic, and is traded illegally in the Germany cities close to the border.German cities in the states of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt , Bavaria and Thuringia aremore heavily affected."We view the increasing consumption of crystal with concern. Using this substanceentails major health risks for consumers," said Jorg Ziercke, chief of the Federal Criminal Police Office. He said that not only law enforcement, but also educationand prevention used to stem in the increase in the drug's use.