Germany must take measures to ensure the sanitary security of animal products exported to Russia, otherwise Moscow will impose restrictions on imports, the head of Russia\'s food safety watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor said on Friday. Russia introduced an embargo on vegetable imports from Europe in early June after cases of an E. coli strain were reported in Germany, but the ban was lifted later in the month. There are concerns that the E.coli bacteria may spread to such products as meat, raw milk or other dairy products. \"Taking into account the high degree of threat of entry into the territory of Russia and the Customs Union of unsafe products of animal origin from plants in Germany, Rosselkhoznadzor has set a period of one week for the German Veterinary Service to take actions,\" the statement reads. If Germany fails to take measures, Russia will impose restrictions on some exports. Earlier this year German sanitary authorities discovered dangerous levels of dioxins in domestic livestock and bird feed, prompting Russia to strengthen the monitoring of food products of animal origin imported from Germany and some other EU countries.