Ebola virus

Guinea's national coordinator in the fight against Ebola Dr. Sakoba Keita said on Monday his institution had set the end of December as the deadline for stopping further contamination of Ebola virus.
He said to achieve this objective, it will be important to put more emphasis on sensitization of the population about Ebola.
At the same time, the national coordinator announced the setting up of a transit center for Ebola patients at Forecariah, a locality near the border with Sierra Leone. The center will be managed by local health personnel and France Red Cross.
In total, the coordination for fighting against Ebola plans to set up 88 Ebola centers. They will include 10 treatment centers, 16 transit centers and 62 community transit centers that will be established in villages.
The centers will be established in all provinces in the country, even in regions where Ebola has not been reported, Keita said.
Recently, Guinea's President Alpha Conde urged students who had graduated in medicine as well as retired health workers in the country to come out and reinforce medical teams in the fight against Ebola.
Besides, Guinea equally plans to reinforce its health structures and in this regard, Health Minister Dr. Remy Lamah recently urged Parliament to give the ministry additional 800,000 euros (over 1 million U.S. dollars) on top of the initial 2 million euros.
In their previous communication issued on Oct. 25, Guinea's national commission for fighting against Ebola said about 1,656 cases had been reported out of which 962 had died.