The Health Authority - Abu Dhabi (HAAD) has announced that two more cases in isolation in hospital with MERS Coronavirus (MERS CoV), have tested negative for the virus, and will be discharged from hospital soon. HAAD said that "five cases were confirmed positive through routine screening of contacts, were kept in isolation at hospitals as a precautionary measure. They were able to clear the virus within 10 days themselves without any treatment." It is expected that the other individuals with positive MERS Coronavirus currently in isolation in hospitals will likewise soon test negative and be able to go home. They are being tested daily to check on their positive status. HAAD also announced one new individual with MERS-CoV. "The new case was admitted to Hospital on 16th April 2014 with fever, cough and diarrhoea, and was found to be positive for MERS-CoV. The medical status of the patient is stable and and receiving appropriate medical care. The patient is known to have kidney disease on dialysis, and had just returned from a visit to Saudi Arabia, where they had received 3 sessions of dialysis." HAAD confirmed that it is coordinating with the Ministry of Health (MOH) and other Authorities in the country, and has taken all necessary measures as per international standards and recommendations from the World Health Organisation (WHO). It stated that the WHO confirmed the virus is not a concern for public health at the moment, and that the current situation does not require a travel ban to any country in the world, screenings at different ports, or any restrictions on trade. The MOH confirmed that it is monitoring the situation closely to ensure the health and safety of everyone.