Hamad Medical Corporation

Hamad Medical Corporation’s (HMC) Qatar Center for Organ Transplantation has successfully performed three kidney transplants within a span of three days, Dr. Yousef Al Maslamani, Director of Qatar Center for Organ Transplantation and Medical Director of Hamad General Hospital (HGH), announced.

The transplant procedures, which took place in the past weeks, included three live-donor kidneys donated by: a Qatari citizen to his uncle; a Jordanian resident to her husband; and an Egyptian resident to her daughter.

The outcome of the three procedures was excellent as donors left the hospital in a few days after the donation and the recipients of the donated organs were discharged one week later. Commenting on the sharp increase in the number of organ transplants, Dr Al Maslamani said: The number of kidney and liver transplants performed during the first four months of 2015 has exceeded the total annual number of transplants in the previous years.’ The remarkable increase in the number of organ transplants is attributed to the sincere efforts of the clinical, nursing, and support staff at HMC’s Qatar Center for Organ Transplantation and Qatar Organ Donation Center (Hiba).

Preparation for more kidney transplants from live-donors is underway; portfolios of 50 live-donors willing to donate organs to their relatives have been opened and organ transplants would eventually be performed for the recipients.