Just not in the mood for it tonight? Worried at using the headache excuse for the third time this week? Or just plain bored at having to go through the same routine (well, at least sex wise)? Here are a few ways in which you can set the temperature soaring in the bedroom. From casual flirting to downright dirty business, it's all here. Try them tonight and thank us in the morning. Too sexy for my: Sexy lingerie is so yesterday! Although there is no denying that sexy lingerie is, well, sexy; watch your man stare at you unabashedly when you step out of the shower, no makeup, draped just in a bath towel. After all, who can resist a woman who has soaped and shampooed herself to perfection and smells like a million bucks right? Go ahead and make a ritual of your after-work showers. Better still, leave your bathroom door open wide enough to give him a sneak peek. If you both are feeling naughty enough, then let him step into the shower with you for a quickie. Goose Bumps Yes, we are talking about that tingling feeling you get when you are cold, scared, or turned on. Gently run your fingertips or nails up and down his back and literally send shivers down his spine. Leave the clawing and vixen like back scratching fantasies with your Mills and Boon. We are talking about gentle stimulation here. Double Talk Want to grab your man's attention? Use suggestive words (yes ladies - the ones with double meanings) with normal conversation to let him know that he's going to get lucky tonight. Relationship experts swear that there is no better way to get your guy thinking about sex. Ask him for a back rub and ooh and aah seductively while he is massaging you. Better still; help him do a crossword puzzle only fill in the answers with dirty words. We know it sounds ridiculous, but once you are over the initial phase of giggles, you would see that this actually works. Although you may not understand how, it sure is great foreplay for men. Play Pretend Everyone has sexual fantasies and your man would too! For a truly great time together, try and act out each other's fantasies. To jazz things up a little, pretend like you are bumping each into each other the first time and woo each other all over again. Don't stop with coy glances, casual flirting and holding hands, go all the way. This works great not just as foreplay, but breathes some excitement into your Saturday night. Striptease The ultimate seduction tool, the slow and sensual striptease could work wonders for your night together. Begin by playing suggestive and slow music... and the rest, we leave to your imagination. If you are feeling quirky, reverse roles and have your man do you a strip tease for a change. Talk but don't touch When both of you are in the mood for sex, you need to take time out and delay it as long as possible. Feel free to take your time, sip a glass of wine, listen to music, talk even, but don't touch. See how long you can stay, keeping your hands off each other. Experts swear that this ritual will have you both so excited that you will be guaranteed ultimate pleasure later on. Try a champagne kiss There is nothing like wine or even champagne to pep up a lazy dinner date. Bring out the candles, the roses and the wine and set up a dinner date in your dining space. Take a gulp of your bubbly, lean over and kiss your man. Need we say the rest? The fizzy texture will sure take your casual kiss into a new level of sexy. Practice Delayed Gratification Although the idea of texting or emailing him a naughty photo of yours is very tantalizing, we think you should wait - at least until you are in the same building, the same restaurant or even sitting across from each other to press the send button. A little preview of what is to come, we'd say. The best part is that not only is it a naughty surprise; he wouldn't be able to do a thing about it until you get home.