Extensive research has proved time and again that an excess amount of midlife body weight leads to an increased risk of heart diseases, diabetes, stroke and other respiratory conditions. According to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity (2003), midlife weight change directly impacts mortality and quality of life in old age. Furthermore, losing weight in middle age could reduce your risk of dementia. Today Dr. Simran Saini, Weight Loss Management Consultant at Fortis Hospital, helps us understand this phenomenon of midlife weight gain and how best we can avoid it. What is the role of hormones in midlife weight gain? The level of female hormones, both estrogen and progesterone, starts declining during midlife. Because of this change, the BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) also declines and this results in weight gain during midlife. The change in hormones disturbs the body's balance and the ovaries tend to produce less estrogen, which leads to weight gain. During midlife, testosterone levels drop leading to a slower metabolism. Infact, some women frequently become insulin resistant during the onset of menopause, as well. What is the role of poor lifestyle choices in midlife weight gain? Poor lifestyle choices like late dinners, erratic eating patterns, and sedentary lifestyles are all culprits in weight gain during midlife. Most people have no time for themselves. They do not eat in a proper pattern and eat what they get at hand with little to no attention to nutrition values. To maintain and lose weight during midlife, one should remember to eat sensibly in small portion sizes. Nutrition should be paid attention to like consuming sufficient calcium, proteins and vitamins to maintain health in the best manner. What is the role of overeating in midlife weight gain? Overeating is usually due to stress. People try to find comfort through large portions of food and usually junk and processed food. This results in weight gain along with disturbed health conditions like hypertension, diabetes and even osteoporosis. Apart from this, due to easy availability many eat for their taste buds all the time and this excess intake of food leads to obesity. In fact a study conducted on long-term weight patterns of middle-aged men revealed that potato chips and TV watching have an out and out negative impact on our waistlines. What is the role of not exercising enough in midlife weight gain? To stay fit and at an ideal weight in midlife, it is important to incorporate a workout regime in your daily regime from a young age. People who workout regularly stay fit during their midlife. Not exercising enough lowers the BMR further and results in easy weight gain. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, exercising for 30 minutes in a day might prevent age-related weight gain when combined with proper lifestyle choices. Should my goal weight increase when I hit midlife? It is not necessary that your goal weight increase after you hit midlife. Your ideal body weight is decided based on your bone structure, your height and your medical conditions. It has nothing to do with your age. So, if your ideal body weight is 58 kilograms, then it is always going to be 58 kilograms. Based on your BMR and physical stature or stamina, your weight loss goal may vary. Why do people tend to gain weight around their tummy in middle age? Asians have a tendency of central obesity that is excess fat accumulated around the tummy area. Central obesity basically means when your stomach is more than half of you height. This is basically in our genetic structure and pear shaped obesity is most common in Asian people. However, if one exercises and eats a balanced and controlled diet, this central obesity can be tackled effectively.