The reluctance to get out of bed on Monday mornings is part of the Monday blues. The enjoyment of the weekend lingers on and as soon as the alarm goes off, a sense of foreboding sets in. No one likes Mondays. There's actually a scientific explanation behind those dreaded Monday morning blues. Our internal clocks naturally operate on a day that is longer than 24 hours. By the time Monday rolls around each week, we've built up a sleep deficit of at least an hour. Enter: The blue funk. Here are some tips to make Monday mornings a little easier for in 2012. Start early: Bad things happen when you are late. Tension levels are high...You are in a rush, you don't have time for breakfast. When you arrive at your office, the accumulated work load hits you all at once, somethining that can never be pleasant. It may seem like a punishment to wake up earlier on Monday but when you have enough time to organize yourself, you'll feel like you can conquer the day easier. Beat all this with an early start. Well begun is half done. Change the focus: Focus on lifting your mood. Listen to good music. Wear clothes that youlike. Bright colors will help.Repeat positive statements to yourself about how good you feel about Mondays. They can redirect your mental energies in a positive direction. Get out in the sunlight. Bright light tells your body that it is indeed the morning and helps reset your internal clock. Eat well and exercise: Eat a healthy breakfast. A good breakfast might be very useful to lighten your mood. Choose to begin Monday with some exercise: A brisk walk or a jog through a beautiful park may uplift your spirits. Exercise makes the mind and body feel good. Talk to your friends: Begin your day at work by exchanging pleasantries or jokes with colleagues. There is nothing like a dose of humor or a good belly-laugh. Talk to a friend about how they spent their weekend. Conversing will take you out of yourself and it will help you feel better. Pre-plan for the Monday: Make Friday a useful day at work. Organize and finish off pending tasks so that they are not waiting for you on a Monday morning. Use Sunday night to organize your Monday. Keep files ready, clothes ironed, shoes polished to get you going on Monday morning. You will have less work to worry about on Monday.