Depression ranges from feeling sad, low, miserable, unhappy, or blue to even self loathing and suicidal thoughts. This happens from time to time to most people and lasts for certain durations, short or long. If these feelings of sorrow, anger or frustration start interfering with normal life and last for longer periods, then it is termed as clinical depression. Clinical depression should be treated by a licensed medical practitioner. Are you depressed, or think someone around you is? Read on to know more. Causes The causes of depression could be linked to a hormonal change; it could be genetic or even triggered by a stressful event. There are a few medical conditions that lead to depression too, like a long term painful illness, cancer and an underactive thyroid. Depression in children can be linked to bad performance at school, or being bullied by friends sometimes even abuse. Children from broken families are more prone to depression, studies have shown. Social isolation, or stressful work environment are some causes of depression in adults. Signs and symptoms If the onset of depression is sudden and is linked to some event then the signs are more visible. Disinterest in things happening around and sorrow are clear indications. There are other signs such as agitation, restlessness, and irritability, dramatic change in appetite, often with weight gain or loss, difficulty in concentration, fatigue and lack of energy, feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, feelings of worthlessness, self-hate, and guilt, also becoming withdrawn or isolated. Hallucinations and delusions may also be present if the depression is severe. Treatment There are various anti-depressant meds available in the market; these should not be taken without consulting a doctor. These are also known to have a few side effects which should be taken note of. Monitoring a person with signs of depression is even essential while the medication is on. This should be done strictly with children and adolescents who have had suicidal thoughts. This is essential since the medicines work gradually. Hormone therapy is an alternate treatment given in certain cases of depression. Therapy and support groups Sometimes the side effects caused by the anti depressants aggravate the depression further. Therapy or counseling sessions are known to have a good effect on patients suffering from these. Keeping communication channels open with people who are depressed and making this known to them, gives them the much needed support. There are various support groups that work on helping chronic depression patients. Also psychotherapy helps find out and resolve the causes of depression. The verdict People suffering from depression are not sick, isolating them will only make things worse. There is nothing wrong in consulting a doctor or going to therapy sessions. Indentifying you have a problem and then working towards solving it is the only way out. Depression cannot be cured with will power, it needs medical attention too. There is no age in which "it is ok" to be depressed. Talking it out always helps.