London - UPI
Betty Simpson, an 80-year-old grandma from southern Indiana, just might have more Instagram followers than you. Simpson racked up 242,088 followers and counting after her great-grandson, 18-year-old Zach Belden, helped her create an account to document her ongoing battle with cancer and share her thoughts on life. "He loves me so much, that's why he did it," Simpson said of Belden in a recent interview with ABC News. "He doesn't want to lose me and he's just good to me." In one of the most delightful and popular, Simpson dances to "Happy," by Pharrell Williams, who immediately became one of her many followers. Here she is taking a selfie: Hanging out with Belden: And doing her best Miley Cyrus impersonation: "Grandma, what's your most important lesson in life," Belden asks in one video. "To be good to other people and love 'em," Simpson replies.