Japan will provide 3.7 million U. S. dollars to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) for polio eradication in Pakistan, which is among the three countries where polio remains epidemic. The grant, concluded Friday in Islamabad between the Japanese Government and UNICEF, will be used to procure the oral polio vaccine, cold chain equipment and capacity building programs throughout 2014, the UN in Islamabad said. The Japanese government will disburse 389 million Japanese Yen (equivalent to 3.7 million USD or 400 million Rs.) to UNICEF immediately. Ambassador of Japan to Pakistan, Hiroshi Inomata, affirmed Japan's strong commitment to help infected countries' effort to get rid of the polio menace once and for all. "Japan's commitment and strong partnership with polio infected countries will continue until the day of complete eradication of polio from the world," he said. He also emphasized that Pakistan and the international development partners should not weaken their effort for polio eradication for future generations despite the existing complex challenges facing the program in Pakistan. Kawasaki, Chief Representative of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Pakistan, paid tribute to the hard works done by all those who are involved with the polio vaccination campaigns. "This year's grant assistance will enable UNICEF to procure 15 million oral polio vaccine doses and 255 solar-powered ice line refrigerators particularly for the heavy load shedding areas in FATA or Federally Administered Tribal Arera and south-western Balochistan province," said Kawasaki. This grant will serve as a drive for the final phase of the Pakistan's fight against polio virus, Kawasaki added. UNICEF Pakistan provides support to the polio eradication program through social mobilization and vaccine procurement and management. A network of nearly 1,500 social mobilizers and communicators COMNet has been based in the high risk districts. The network is strengthening the eradication effort through reaching out to existing community groups and influencers who can take a leadership role in polio and child health campaigns. "We can and will ensure that the right of children to access vaccination is realized and thus eradicate polio forever from Pakistan," said Dan Rohrmann, Representative of UNICEF in Pakistan. The latest grant will be used to ensure that sufficient quantities of vaccine are available for mop up campaigns and cold chain maintenance, the UN Information Center said.