The World Health Organization (WHO)

Jordan is participating in the 61st session of the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean that opened on Sunday in the presence of WHO Director-General Margaret Chan.
Issues of health security and spread of epidemics will dominate the session's agenda that will also see discussions on a number of other health issues including addressing the impact of climate change, air pollution, response to various health emergencies and progress in eradicating poliomyelitis.
The technical committee, which began its meeting yesterday, discussed the level of preparedness to deal with the outbreak of certain diseases, mainly Corona and Ebola viruses, as well as prevention of viral Hepatitis (B and C) and ways to combat it.
The Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean is WHO’s decision-making body in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. It meets in October every year. All 22 member states from the region and the occupied Palestinian territory are represented in this panel.