Minister of Health Dr. Ali Al-Obaidi discussed with DeputyForeign Minister of Cuba Rogelio Sierra Diaz on Wednesday ways to developbilateral relations and strengthen cooperation prospects on health.During the meeting, which coincided with the 40th anniversary of Kuwaiti-Cubancooperation, the two sides addressed a number of health topics of common interest,notably cooperation in areas of ophthalmology, diabetic foot treatment, andprimary health care as Cuba has a long experience in those fields, the ministry saidin a press statement. The Kuwaiti-Cuban discussions also included ways to boost health cooperationthrough the exchange of expertise, and formation of committees to overcomepotential difficulties at all levels, added the statement.Minister Al-Obaidi then separately met with a British delegation that includedHoward Lyons, Managing Director of Healthcare UK, and Phil Dowrick, BusinessSpecialist at UK Trade and Investment, in the presence of Martin Hall, Head of Trade and Investment at the British Embassy.During the meeting, the British delegation discussed with the Kuwaiti minister waysto boost health cooperation between the two countries, as well as following-up withthe memorandum of understanding (MoU) on health, signed between Minister Al-Obaidi and British Health Minister Lord Howe at a health conference in Dubai lastJanuary.