Amman - Petra
Kuwait donated $2 million to the United Nations Reliefand Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and another$300,000 to the Palestinian health sector.Kuwaiti Ambassador to Jordan Hamad Saleh Al Duaij on Sunday delivered the grant toPalestinian Ambassador to Jordan Atallah Khairi and to UNRWA relations coordinatorMaria Mohammadi at two separate meetings.Ambassador Al Duaij said in a statement that his country’s support for the UNRWAaims to provide assistance to the Palestinian people to ease their suffering and meettheir needs. It will also help the Agency to meet the challenges of providing asylum toPalestinians and to secure the basic requirements for refugees under its five areas ofoperation.As for the donation to the Palestinian health sector, the envoy said it is aimed athelping the Palestinian people face the difficult conditions imposed by the Israeli occupation authorities.