Once again Kuwait offers the world a leading researcher in one of the most complicated and important medical specialities, stem cell therapy.Dr. Hamad Mohammad Ali Yassin, a lecturer at Kuwait Medial College, has shot to fame recently in many parts of the world, providing a bright image of Kuwait through his leading stem cell researches.In an interveiw with KUNA Wednesday, Dr. Yassin said he received his BA degree in molecular genetics from Ohio University, the United States. \"I then got my Masters and PhD from the Institute of Genetic Medicine at Newcastle University in Britain, specializing in the field of stem cell therapy,\" he added. His researches are now published in prestigious scientific journals and periodicals across the world.Dr. Yassin contributed with his research papers to major scientific conferences held in Britain, the United States, Slovenia, the Netherlands, the UAE and Kuwait.He also served as a visiting researcher at Stem Cell Therapy Research Institute in Lyon, France, which is funded by Cryo-Save Bank, Europe\'s largest umbilical cord blood bank. But his most import work was a research paper, published in 2010, on the factors that made the diseases associated with nervous system of the most serious causes of death worldwide. His great achievement in this research paper was the strategy he proposed to use stem cells taken from umbilical cord blood to treat such diseases.In his research, Dr. Yassin underlined that stem cells have proven their ability to shift into nerves in the laboratories, so they could be planted in the patient\'s brain to replace the infected or dead nerves.This strategy offers great hope on the possiblity of treating many incurable diseases at present. Dr. Yassin research attracted the attention of speclialists from several parts of the world. Scientific publications and medical journals republished his research in several lanuages. These are a small part of what Dr Yassin has been accomplished in his career. \"I vow to continue my efforts in pursuit of greater achievements. I will do everything in my power to serve Kuwait and all humanity,\" he concluded, wishing his research would bear the aspired fruit and help save many lives.