Kuwait - KUNA
The Ministry of Health urged Kuwaiti citizens Thursday not to travel to Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone due to rising number of people infected with Ebola virus amidst fears of spreading to other African countries, affirming Kuwait was free of the virus.
The ministry, on its website, urged the Ministry of Interior to suspend granting of visas for workers coming from these countries.
The ministry affirmed that Kuwait was free of the Ebola virus, which was contracted by 1,323 people in Guinea, Sierre Leone, Liberia and Nigeria, including 739 fatalities.
It noted that 90 percent of the infectees perished by the virus, which spread to remote villages in the central and west of Africa.
The ministry said Ebola could transmit from animals to humans and among human beings through direct contact.
A person with an Ebola virus suffers high fever, fatige, muscle pain, headache, vomiting and dysfunction of lungs and kidneys.
The ministry, which said no cure was so far available, asserted the importance of preventive measures with people carrying the Ebola virus, including those by the medical team.
Kuwait, it added, was exerting efforts to prevent Ebola virus from reaching the country.
The ministry said that the World Health Organization's (WHO) offices worldwide were on high alert to contain the Ebola virus.
WHO and the European medical centers were also urging people to avoid traveling to infected areas or being in touch with people carrying the Ebola virus.
The ministry also called on people to be properly hygienic, and that medical staff wear masks and gloves inside hospitals.