Heart diseases are common and the numbers affected are constantly on the rise. About 25 per cent of deaths in the age group of 25- 69 years occur because of heart diseases. In urban areas, 32.8 per cent deaths occur because of heart ailments, while this percentage in rural areas is 22.9. Where there are high numbers, there usually exist several myths and heart diseases are no stranger to this phenomenon. The right knowledge goes a long way in preventing and curing heart diseases. Here are a few less known facts about heart diseases... Taking a dispirin helps prevent heart attacks While disprin helps relieve pain, inflammation, and fever, it does not 'prevent' a heart attack. The myth originates from the knowledge that disprin is a blood-thinning medicine. It prevents special cells in the blood, the platelets, from sticking to each other. This reduces the risk of harmful blood clots forming. Blood clots that form in a blood vessel inside the heart or brain can cause a heart attack or a stroke. This tells us that disprin may be used on its own or together with other medicines to prevent heart attacks and strokes in people who are at risk. But taking one everyday does not prevent a heart attack. Common side effects of routine disprin use include stomach pain or discomfort, stomach ulcers, heartburn, nausea, vomiting and intestinal bleeding. Taking any medication without a doctor's consultation can have harmful effects on the body. Red wine is good for the heart It's true that red wine has several antioxidants known as polyphenols that can prevent damage to heart cells. Other chemicals in wine, such as resveratrol, have been shown to have blood thinning properties that can help prevent heart attacks, similar to the role of disprin. Moreover, wine can lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. However, all of these benefits require red wine consumption in moderation, meaning no more than one to two glasses per day. The advent of heart attack can be felt Classic signs of a heart attack include chest pain radiating to the jaw or arms, occasionally accompanied by sweating, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, and palpitations. These symptoms are usually precipitated by physical activity and relieved by rest. Such symptoms can even occur without physical exertion, in which case it is often misinterpreted as stomach upset, although in fact alluding to more severe heart diseases. Particularly with the elderly and those with diabetes, the onset of a heart attack is not accompanied by any chest pain, but rather may be associated with fainting, fatigue or labored breathing. The reason for this in diabetic patients is that their sensory capacity is often impaired. Regardless, any unusual chest discomfort, especially at rest, should prompt a quick visit to the doctor. Having sex reduces chances of heart attack Having an active sex life could cut a man's risk of dying from heart disease in half. For men, having an orgasm three or four times a week might offer potent protection against a heart attack or stroke, according to one British study. Whether sex works as well for women's hearts is unclear, but a healthy love life seems to equate to good overall health. For one thing, sexual activity is an excellent stress buster. It's also great exercise, burning about 85 calories per half-hour session. If you find it difficult to have sex, that could be a big red flag that something is wrong with your heart. For example, some researchers think erectile dysfunction might warn of a heart attack up to five years in advance.