Ebola virus

Liberia's Rivercess and Grand Cape Mount counties have recorded increased cases in the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) despite drastic reduction in the number of cases nationwide.
The Rivercess town of Kaha is reportedly deserted because of Ebola fear after 10 deaths occurred there last week, according to the Rivercess County's Chief Medical Officer, Wilmot Smith.
Smith told reporters on Monday in Monrovia that of the deaths, three were buried by residents before the arrival of the county's burial team, raising concern of possible increase in the infection rate as a result.
He said six persons in the town have so far been infested and the greatest challenge now is contact tracing to identify and quarantine those who may have contracted the virus during the burial process during the 21 days period.
He said the six Ebola patients were brought by ambulance all the way to Monrovia for treatment.
In a related development, Grand Cape Mount County Superintendent Imam Mohamed Passewee said the towns of Gbendeja and Jennehwonde are now Ebola hotspots where residents have been quarantined to monitor their status given the recent increase in Ebola cases.
He attributed the latest upsurge to lack of a holding center and delays in processing of specimens of patients that is done outside the county.
He said there is still some level of denial of the existence of the virus by people in some areas.