The Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA)'s CEO Ausama Abdullah Al-Absi and a delegation from the Ministry of Health (MOH) led by the Health Ministry's Assistant Undersecretary for Public and Primary Health Dr. Mariam A. Al-Jalahma explored the enforcement of workers health insurance in compliance with Article 172 of the new Labour Law for the Private Sector that regulates health insurance and links the issuance labour permits for expatriate workers with the presence of the relevant health insurance policy.Al-Absi said that the LMRA as a major database centre on expatriate manpower in addition to its duty of regulating the labour market and issuance of foreign workers permits it will provide suitable and flexible linkage mechanisms under the options determined by the ministerial resolution.He stressed that the fully-integrated and advanced infrastructure of the LMRA accommodates both electronic software and paperwork in providing this service which ensures the application of the Ministerial resolution, on the one hand, and also ensures easy procedures for employers, on the otherThe LMRA has established electronic linkage with the Ministry of Health via the Medical Check-ups and Medical Monitoring System for foreign manpower.