Personalise your work desk by adding a touch of innovation. Does your workspace speak little about the man and more about the machine? Does it include elements that define your personality? Remember that your workspace is your living space for a large part of the day. So make an effort to make it look attractive so that it exudes positive energy. A good way to accomplish this is by adding items that hold emotional value for you. Photographs are an easy way to add a personal touch to space. Take some time off your schedule to have a close look at your workspace and jot down a few changes you'd like to make. How can you make your workspace look vibrant and lively? Think about the most relaxing places you know of. What is it about those places that makes you feel good? What are the sights, sounds, and smells that give you joy, happiness? How can you make your workspace imbibe those feelings? If you don't have time for a complete workspace makeover, then just make little changes without spending much. Add a photo. Buy a plant. Clean up the junk pile. Enjoy. Make your workspace look attractive Your workspace should be attractive to you. Now choose the emotion you want to feel, and experiment with different visual elements to see how they alter your feelings. Try photos, posters, bright coffee mugs, candles, flowers, knickknacks, toys and statues. Music's the word Experiment with different types of music to see what effect they have on your stress level and productivity. Use headphones so that you don't disturb others. Add plants Plants are a wonderful way to add life to a lifeless workspace. Use only living, oxygen-generating plants, not lifeless fake ones. Keep the clutter away One look at a cluttered workspace and you get a sense that the person working there is stressed out and disorganized. Ideally the only paper items on your desk should be directly related to the current task at hand. Store everything else in drawers, shelves or cabinets. When you organise your work desk, it gives you a positive feeling and your productivity will also increase.