Malaysia Health Ministry announced Thursday will run checkups on all passengers arriving from the Middle East for Coronoavirus infections in all of the country's airports. The Ministry will keep monitoring the virus, especially with passengers who were in Saudi Arabia for Omra (lesser pilgrimage), said Malaysian Minister of Health S Subramaniam. Quarantine time for 15 infected patients who have recently returned from Omra was extended for another two weeks, the Minister added. Malaysia has previously recorded one case of Coronavirus infection in a 54-year-old man who died on April 13. The Coronavirus belongs to a larger family of viruses that attacks both humans and animals, causing diseases such as colds and severe respiratory system infections leading to death in many cases. The first case of the disease in the Middle East was discovered in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in September 2012, later spreading through the country with 15 patients dead out of 31 cases recorded