Fight obesity

Mexican doctors will train in acupuncture and other alternative medical techniques thanks to an agreement between local officials from Mexico and China, media reported Monday.

The agreement, signed between Mexico City's Secretariat of Health and the Chinese City of Zhengzhou, aims to help fight obesity and chronic diseases, according to Mexican daily La Cronica.

Capital Health Secretary Armando Ahued Ortega and Wu Xiaojun, the visiting vice president of the Municipal Committee of the Consultative Political Council of the Chinese People, for Zhengzhou, capital of Henan province, agreed to exchange experiences and promote cooperation to help boost the use of alternative therapies, including homeopathy and phytotherapy, which uses plants.

The two officials toured Mexico City's Center for the Integral Management of Diabetic Patients, where Ahued explained the bariatric surgery program in place to treat those with morbid obesity, the daily said.

Wu, whose office is in charge of legislating in educational and public health matters, said her region has implemented similar programs to fight excess weight and prevent hypertension, the agency said.

Henan is China's most populated province, with some 100 million inhabitants, and its capital Zhengzhou is home to about the same number of residents as Mexico City, some nine million people.