Birds showing symptoms on a farm

The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) has discovered a new poultry farm 'with clinical signs of infection with avian flu,' the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs stated on Friday.
All poultry at the farm will be culled, as will poultry within a radius of 1 km as a precaution, Xinhua reported.
Earlier on Friday, bird flu was detected in Kamperveen, in the province of Overijssel. All 10,000 chickens in the farm will be culled by the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA). The 34 poultry-related farms in a 10 km radius around the farm will also be examined for bird flu.
The new reported case concerns the H5 variant avian influenza. The exact type of the virus, whether it is a low pathogenic or highly pathogenic variant, is still under investigation.