Myanmar population

 Myanmar's population increased by 237,975 in the first seven months (April-October) of the 2014-15 fiscal year, local media reported Thursday.
The number of births during the seven months was 375,763, exceeding the number of deaths, which stood at 137,788, reported the semi-official Global New Light of Myanmar, quoting statistics from the Ministry of Immigration and Population.
Of the people born during the period, 191,279 are male and 184, 484 are female. Of the number of deaths, 78,758 were male and 59, 030 female.
Myanmar conducted its first nationwide population census in three decades from March 30 to April 10 this year, successfully collecting 98 percent of the population in line with international norms.
According to the provisional result released on Aug. 30, the population accounted for 51,419,420 , down about 10 million from the previous estimation of the government. Of them, more female ( 51.8 percent) were counted than male (48.2 percent).
Yangon stood as the most populated region with a population of 7,355,075, accounting for 14.3 percent of the total, and the least populated state is Kayah state with 286,738, accounting for 0.6 percent.
The new capital of Nay Pyi Taw has a population of 1,158,367, accounting for 2.3 percent of the total population.
The main result of the total population will be released in May 2015, according to the Myanmar authorities.
In the last census conducted in 1983, Myanmar had a population of 35.3 million.