infants in Kenya

A mysterious disease has claimed lives of at least 23 infants in Kenya's Nakuru and Baringo counties in the last four weeks, Kenya's local media reported Monday

Area Senator James Mungai has since called for the intervention of the ministry of health to address the issue.

The disease, which is exhibiting symptoms such as high fever, coughing, body weakness and sweating, was initially thought to be viral pneumonia but tests by the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) turned negative.

Mungai said at least 215 cases have so far been confirmed, with babies aged between one day and 11 months being the most affected.

KEMRI officers have already started investigating the cases.

This is not the first epidemic to be reported in the Kenyan counties.

Last year, reports indicated that over 60 people died from cholera outbreak due to poor hygiene and improper sewerage.

Soruce : MENA