Seha recently opened its first Customer Service Center for beneficiaries. It is locatedon the sixth floor of Amwal Tower in the West Bay.The scheme thus far covered Qatari females over 12 years for gynaecology, obstetrics and other women’s health issues. Customer service centre staff will be onhand to assist members with any queries , including general information about thescheme and its roll-out, coverage , member rights and the network providers.A Qatar Statistic Authority had recently carried out a patient satisfaction survey, onbehalf of the NHIC, showed that the health insurance scheme has already achievedhigh levels of acceptance and satisfaction among women users since July 2013.An overwhelming majority of 90% of respondents rated very highly the women’shealth benefits received under the scheme, while 84% said the scheme offered themgreater freedom of choice when seeking healthcare.The Seha provider network includes a selection of quality public and privatehospitals and clinics. Eight providers – HMC Women’s Hospital, Al Emadi Hospital, AlAhli Hospital, Doha Clinic, Al Wakra Hospital, Al Khor Hospital, the Cuban Hospitaland Al Hayat Medical Centre – are currently included within the network.The NHIS will announce updated network for Stage 2 prior to its launch.