The candidates to the presidential election of 17 April and their representatives havefocused in their electoral speeches on the 13th day of the campaign on thepreservation of national unity and the need to rehabilitate the sectors of agricultureand health.The independent candidate Ali Benflis has committed in Tipasa (70-km west ofAlgiers) to rehabilitating the sector of agriculture to make it more competitive."From Tipasa, a farming province, I promise to develop the sector through acomprehensive plan," Benflis said at an electoral meeting."Algeria has huge agricultural potentialities but has become among the world'smajor importers of foodstuffs, which may threaten its food security," he warned."We must develop the sector and make it more competitive in order to ensure ourfood security and also to export," he explained, adding that his national revivalproject, which he is proposing to the Algerian people, comprises many measures tothat end.For his part, the leader of Ahd 54 party, Ali Fewzi Rebaine underlined in Chlef (westof Algiers) the need to revise the health system by upgrading hospitals and revisingthe medicines policy."Rebaine also deplored the deterioration of the health system in Algeria, stressing the urgent need to "upgrade the existing hospitals and build new regional hospitals."He promised to address the claims of physicians and medical staff by providingthem with all necessary means to enable them to work in the best possibleconditions."I commit to providing doctors, if elected, with the necessary material and financialmeans, including a good salary and decent housing, particularly those who decide towork in the South or the High Plateaux," he said.The leader of the Algerian National Front (FNA) Moussa Touati called on Algeriansfrom Oran (432-km west of Algiers) to use the ballot paper as an "only and ultimateweapon to restore their sovereignty.""The ballot paper remains the only and ultimate weapon for the Algerian people torestore their sovereignty," said Touati.The presidential candidate said that his party is militating for the establishment ofthe rule of law and social justice, adding "the president and the electedrepresentatives must serve the interest of people.