New York - UPI
A male patient at New York's Mount Sinai Hospital is being tested for the Ebola virus, hospital officials confirmed.
The patient checked into the emergency room Monday morning, suffering from a high fever and gastrointestinal problems. According to the hospital, the man recently returned to the United States from a West African country where Ebola has been reported.
"All necessary steps are being taken to ensure the safety of all patients, visitors and staff," Mount Sinai officials said in a statement.
"We will continue to work closely with federal, state and city health officials to address and monitor this case, keep the community informed and provide the best quality care to all of our patients."
Although Ebola has public attention following the deaths of 1,300 people in Africa and with two infected Americans receiving treatment in the U.S., ABC's Dr. Richard Besser cautioned against overreaction, explaining to ABC New York, "Many things cause fever and gastrointestinal symptoms."
"The steps they are taking are wise given the travel history, but nothing about the symptoms is specific to Ebola."
Mount Sinai followed precautionary steps outlined by the Centers for Disease Control last week. Testing for the Ebola virus is done by the CDC.