Ebola virus

A Norwegian woman who contracted the Ebola virus while working for Doctors Without Borders in Sierra Leone has been cured, the organisation said Monday.
"We are very happy to learn that our colleague has been cured," said Jonas Haagensen, a spokesman for the Norwegian branch of the organisation, also known by its French name Medecins sans Frontieres, reacting to news that she was released from a special isolation unit.
Oslo University Hospital said the patient would be discharged from a special unit for highly infectious diseases, where she has been treated since her repatriation from Sierra Leone on October 7.
"It's great news," said Haagensen, who refused to give further details until a press conference at 1500 GMT.
The treatment given to the 30-year old Norwegian woman has not been made public.
Just a week ago her medical team said she was in a "stable condition with signs of improvement".