President Obama will likely shift his strategy on healthcare in his State of the Union speech, political observers said. Last year, in his State of the Union speech, the president called for bipartisan cooperation, an idea that was scoffed at by Republicans who worked to repeal the entire law. The president is likely to adopt a different tone in this year\'s Tuesday address to the nation, The Hill said. The battle lines are now even more sharply drawn while both parties await a Supreme Court ruling on the law\'s constitutionality, the political newspaper said. The Hill said polls show the health law is unpopular and Democrats have acknowledged that Republicans won the public-message war over the 2010 reforms. \"We\'ve worked diligently to implement the Affordable Care Act and we\'re making incredible progress,\" a White House official told The Hill. \"We always welcome good ideas from anyone about how to make healthcare better and more affordable.\"