Teenagers are lying in the sun for 12 times longer than the recommended limit without using sun cream, say researchers. Almost half of young people spend up to two hours trying to get a tan without protection, believing it to be safe, a survey found. But official guidance recommends just ten to 15 minutes of unprotected sun exposure, depending on skin type. The Teenage Cancer Trust, which carried out the survey as part of its annual sun safety campaign, Shunburn, said the trend was ‘incredibly worrying’ because sun damage when young can cause skin cancer in later life. The charity surveyed 600 youngsters aged between 13 and 24 on their attitudes to sunbeds, fake tans and sun cream and tested their knowledge of sun safety. It found that more than a third of young people do not wear sun cream in the UK and one in ten thought fake tans caused cancer. More than half do not know how to apply sun cream correctly. They rub it in completely whereas it should be patted gently on to the skin with a visible film left. Trust chief executive Simon Davies said: ‘It’s the sun damage done to skin when young that can lead to skin cancer in later life, which is why these findings are incredibly worrying. ‘We all love the sun but we have to respect our skin.’ More than two Britons under 25 are diagnosed every day with melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. The Sunbeds Act, which came into force in April, prohibits sunbed operators from allowing under-18s to use sunbeds. Rona Mackie, professor of dermatology at the University of Glasgow, said: \'Over the last few years, a lot of time and money has been spent on public information campaigns aimed at young people and their parents offering advice on sensible sun exposure and making it clear that sunbeds are not a safe alternative to natural sunbathing. \'Clearly the messages are not getting through, and more work needs to be done to get young people to act on sun safety advice.\' Dame Sally Davies, chief medical officer at the Department of Health, said: \'It is disappointing that some teenagers are still unaware of the health risks and dangers from the use of sunbeds and excessive exposure to the sun. \'Overexposure to UV radiation can cause damage to your skin and increase your risk of getting skin cancer, one of the most common cancers in the UK. \'On sunny days using a high factor protective sun cream, wearing appropriate clothing and sunglasses and spending time in the shade during the hottest part of the day all help to protect the skin from sun damage.\'