US President Barack Obama

US President Obama has issued a proclamation declaring April 2nd World Autism Awareness Day.
Regardless of the ongoing battle over just exactly what causes autism, President Obama's proclamation declares his support to the millions of people impacted by autism:
On World Autism Awareness Day, our Nation recognizes all those around the globe who live on the autism spectrum. We celebrate the countless ways they strengthen our communities and enrich our world -- and we reaffirm their fundamental rights to participate fully in society, live with respect, and achieve their greatest potential.
In the United States, millions of adults and young people live with autism spectrum disorder, including 1 out of every 68 children. They are our colleagues, classmates, friends, and loved ones, and they each have something to contribute to the American story. In large cities and small towns, individuals with autism live independent and productive lives, and our Nation is better because of their unique talents and perspectives. Their example reminds us that all people have inherent dignity and worth, and that everyone deserves a fair shot at opportunity.
My Administration is committed to helping Americans with autism fulfill their potential by ensuring access to the resources and programs they need. The Affordable Care Act prohibits companies from denying health insurance because of pre-existing conditions such as autism, and the law also requires most insurance plans to cover preventive services -- including autism and developmental screenings for young children -- without copays.