Sheikha Moza (2nd L)

HH Chairperson of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development Sheikha Moza bint Nasser participated on Wednesday in the closing session of the second World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH), which was held at Qatar National Conference Center in the presence of Princess Lalla Salma, wife of the King of Morocco, and delegates from over 80 different countries.
In its second edition, the WISH summit put forward ideas on the treatment of dementia and took a closer look at the Ebola epidemic and scientific evidence on how to prevent diabetes. It hosted two special panels; one on Genomics, looking at the future of personalised medicine and the ethical dilemmas this new frontier in healthcare could bring; and one on Newborn and Maternal Health hosted alongside The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Harvard University and Save the Children. WISH also showcased some of the newest and most ground-breaking health innovations from around the world including virtual surgery, 3D-printed prosthetics and mobile apps.
In addition to the published research and reports, the WISH summit presented 25 innovative inventions to provide cheaper, easier and more effective health care in the treatment of cleft palate, hearing aids, and prosthetic, in addition to a new report on 'Delivering affordable cancer care: a value change to health systems', which presented a compelling body of evidence to illustrate the true scale of the disease and the rising cost to the global economy.
The second WISH Summit's participants were introduced to a number of innovations, including the Qatari Sahtak Awalan'– Your Health First program, a unique wellness promotion program designed to encourage the Qatari population to lead healthy lifestyles.
Qatar Foundation has established WISH to bring about action in healthcare innovation locally in Qatar, regionally and globally. Through WISH, Qatar Foundation is supporting the nation in establishing healthcare initiatives for the benefit of the globe while remaining closely aligned to the vision of Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, its Chairperson.