Dubai hospital wins EU accreditation

Dubai's only dedicated 24/7 stroke unit in Rashid Hospital has obtained international accreditation for the setting up and functioning of a stroke unit that follows European protocols and standards. The accreditation makes Rashid Hospital the only establishment in the world outside the European Union to receive such an accolade.
The Rashid Stroke unit was established in early 2012 and on average, 500 patients have been admitted with a stroke each year. Of these, 150 needed acute stroke management.
At Arab Health 2012, the Dubai Health Authoruty and the German State of Rheinland-Pfalz first announced their cooperation in the field of stroke management and qualification. One major step in the cooperation was the establishment of a certified stroke unit according to the European Stroke Organisation Guidelines, and this accreditation fulfills that requirement.
Essa Al Maidoor, Director-General of the DHA, said, "We are very proud of Rashid Hospital for obtaining this accreditation and for functioning a dedicated stroke unit that follows international protocols. It is the DHA’s aim to promote international accreditations in the medical field, both in the private and the public sector. This accreditation will help reaffirm the high standards of care to which Dubai adheres." He said that in the future the DHA plans to open a completely dedicated neuro-spinal centre on the premises of the new Rashid Hospital complex.
Dr. Suhail Al Rukn, neurologist and head of the stroke unit at Rashid Hospital, said, "Accreditations are important to ensure we follow the highest level of medical care. Establishing a stroke unit was of vital importance because from the time a person gets a stroke, the brain damage is very quick and therefore universally accepted stroke protocols and management help limit the damage that can be caused by the stroke.
"An adult brain has a total of five to six billion brain cells, when a stroke occurs, brain cells start to die. It has been estimated that 1.9 million brain cells die per minute in a stroke case. Therefore, the level of disability can be quite severe as the effects of a stroke on the body are immediate.
"In terms of stroke care, time is crucial and a dedicated stroke unit directly leads to better patient outcomes." Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the world and the main reason for adult disability. In the U.A.E., after road accidents, it is the second leading cause of disability. Annually, 7,000-8,000 patients in the U.A.E. have a stroke, this means every hour, one person gets a stroke.
"Internationally, the number is 100 to 120 cases per 100,000 so we are within the international range, however, unfortunately, in the U.A.E., stroke patients are much younger than those in western countries." Al Rukn continued, "Abroad, the average age of a stroke victim is over 65 years, here it is 45 years. The reasons for people having a stroke at such a young age in the U.A.E. is multifactorial – a high percentage of our population suffers from diabetes and hypertension. Obesity is a huge problem in our population and so is a sedentary lifestyle – all of these are triggers that can lead to a stroke." Rashid Hospital’s stroke unit is the only dedicated stroke unit in Dubai which functions round-the-clock. The other dedicated stroke unit is in Al Ain.
He added, "Every stroke is different and strokes affect all bodily functions such as speech, movement etc.. A stroke on the right side of the brain generally causes problems on the left side of the body. A stroke on the left side of the brain causes problems on the right side of the body. Some strokes happen at the base of the brain and can cause problems with eating, breathing and moving. For most people, the left side of the brain controls language (talking, reading, writing, and understanding). The right side controls perceptual skills (making sense of what you see, hear and touch) and spatial skills (judging size, speed, distance and position). Despite the fact that stokes affects several functions of the body, people still do not understand the link between poor lifestyle and stroke." He said an important message to the community is that they should be aware of what to do in case a person is having a stroke as immediate medical intervention is important. "Unfortunately, so many people die every year and many are left to endure severe or prolonged disability because they didn’t get to a hospital quick enough after having a stroke." He said that a simple process can help family members identify if a person is having a stroke or not. "It’s called the FAST test, the details are: Face, check whether the person’s face has fallen to one side and whether the person can smile or not. Arms, can the person raise both arms or not, Speech, can the person speak or is the speech slurred? And lastly, time, i.e., if any of the three signs are visible, it’s important to call the ambulance right away." He said the first four and a half hours after the person has a stroke are the most crucial for doctors to minimise the damage to the brain, and thus getting to a hospital on time is crucial.
He added that people above the age of 30 should check their blood pressure every year and that there is a strong link between hypertension and stroke. He also advocated that people should bring about meaningful lifestyle changes to minimise their risk of developing a stroke.