Sarajevo - XINHUA
Sarajevo International Airport prepared an action plan to prevent the deadly Ebola virus from entering the country, local media reported on Monday.
The airport did not receive any instructions regarding prevention measures from relevant state institutions but it has an action in line with the recommendation of the World Health Organizations, according to a spokesperson of the airport.
Emergency medical units in Sarajevo airport were given instructions to use additional protective equipments in contacts with patients, said Tigran Elezovic from Emergency Medical Services of the Sarajevo Canton.
Ebola, which spreads through mucous and other body fluid or secretions such as stool, urine, saliva and semen of infected people, is believed to be very difficult to control.
Four western African countries -- Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone -- have reported 729 deaths from Ebola with 1,323 infected between the start of March and the end of July.