As part of the provider preparedness plan for the introduction of the National Health Insurance Scheme, Supreme Council of Health and PricewaterhouseCoopers organised a training workshop on clinical coding for major providers anticipated to be part of the scheme. Given that the SCH is currently preparing ground for the National Health Insurance Scheme, a fee schedule for healthcare services is being developed as part of the next phase of its implementation. A crucial element of developing a fee schedule is the use of clinical coding, which is the translation of written clinical documentation about patient care into code format. The code format to be used is termed “ICD-10-AM.” The Train-the-Trainer Education was led by Linda Best, who is considered one of the most knowledgeable coders worldwide and is currently working with the World Health Organisation on the revision of ICD-11. Linda is part of the PwC team tasked with assisting in developing the fee schedule and a widely published author in the topic of clinical coding. The four-day workshop saw attendees, representing a number of major public and private healthcare providers, being trained in the understanding and use of ICD-10-AM. The attendees will use this knowledge to provider ongoing training to staff within their respective organisations to ensure a unified approach to coding in Qatar. At the end of the session, Husein Reka, SCH’s health insurance programme manager, presented certificates on behalf of Dr Faleh Mohamed Hussain Ali, the assistant secretary general for policy affairs.from gulf times.