Secrets your body reveals about you

Fuller lips boost popularity and a large bottom raises levels of good cholesterol. Uncover amazing facts about your health and personality Thinning hair and chunky thighs can put you at an advantage, if studies are to be believed. Researchers have found that your bodily makeup gives out clues about your personality, health, state of mind and attitude towards friends and family. Read on to celebrate your peculiarities. Brown eyes: A study at the University of Louisville found that brown-eyed people were better at fast-paced activities that involved quick reaction times, such as boxing, while lighter-eyed people performed better in self-paced athletic tasks, such as hitting a golf ball. Creased ear lobe: A diagonal crease across your earlobe can be an early warning sign that you're at higher risk of heart disease. Thinning hair: Often a telltale sign that a woman has had a baby within the last six months, as both pregnancy and breast-feeding deplete the body of nutrients vital for healthy hair growth. Patchy locks can also indicate you're low in iron. Baldness: An American study found that bald men were smarter, scoring an average of 4-5 points higher in IQ tests than chaps with hair. Dandruff: A flaky scalp can be a sign you suffer with severe stress. Feeling constantly frazzled impairs your immune system, which reduces your body's ability to fight the fungus that causes dandruff, letting it maintain a foothold on your scalp. Chilly trotters: Women over 40 who have cold feet often have an underactive thyroid, the gland that regulates temperature and metabolism. Stumpy legs: Studies have linked short legs to higher levels of liver problems, heart disease and diabetes. But there is a silver lining - short legs have the capacity to contain thicker bones, better for a healthier old age and fewer fractures, according to the International Longevity Center in New York. Chunky thighs: People with large thighs have a lower risk of premature death and heart disease, a Denmark study revealed. Heart rate: Scientists have found that people with faster resting heartbeats tend to experience more anxiety and stress and low mood. Waist size: People with narrow waists tend to be highly conscientious. They are thinner overall and keep the same weight over time as they have more self-control and are better at choosing healthy foods, according to one study. Having a large waist (more than 32in if you're a woman and 37in if you're a man) is actually a stronger predictor than your overall body weight that you're at high risk of heart disease. This holds true for both sexes. Big tummy: A pot belly can be a sign that someone is particularly antagonistic and not very agreeable. People with this personality type tend to have stronger physiological responses to stress. Research has found a strong correlation between higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol and weight gain around the stomach. Big hips: Women with larger hips tend to be more frgetful, according to researchers at Northwestern Medicine, US. In addition, a study by the University of Southampton found breast cancer rates were more than three times higher among women whose mothers had wide hips. On the plus side, a larger pelvis is linked to being more fertile, and also boosts chances of having a natural labour. Round bottom: A large, round bottom means you have a lower risk of heart disease, and is also linked to an optimistic outlook. Scientific research shows that having a generous rear end - rather than a pot belly - cuts levels of "bad" cholesterol and raises the body's levels of the "good" cholesterol. It also cuts the risk of diabetes, according to a review of studies by the University of Oxford. Large noses: Those with big noses have been scientifically proven to be less likely to suffer from allergies and endure fewer cold and flu infections. Experts believe this is because larger noses inhale fewer pollutants, and also act as a barrier to deflect germs away from the mouth. Sneeze style: The way you sneeze can indicate which parent you take after more, as studies have found it's often genetic, with one distinct sound passing down through generations! Lips: Research has found that women with thin lips are more likely to have successful long-term relationships. Women with fuller lips and a big mouth, on the other hand, tend to be very popular. Big chin: Women who have a more defined, masculine jaw shape are more likely to cheat because they have higher levels of testosterone, according to US research. Weak chin: One Dutch study found that when people were shown photos of faces with a small or receding chin, they automatically labelled them as shy and indecisive. Long arms: People who have longer than average arms are 10 per cent less likely to get Alzheimer's disease than those with shorter limbs. Muscular arms: Women with bulkier biceps generally have higher levels of the male hormone testosterone, and tend to be more assertive and driven. One US report revealed that muscular men committed more crimes, again thought to be due to higher levels of the male hormones that are linked to aggression.