Sheikha Moza bint Nasser

HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Chairperson of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development (QF) opened the second World Innovation Summit for Healthcare (WISH) 2015.
The two-day conference is held at Qatar National Convention Centre (QNCC) in the presence of a number of Their Excellencies Sheikhs, Ministers, representatives of more than 20 countries along with more than 1000 participants from over 80 countries.
Speaking on this occasion, HH Sheikha Moza welcomed guests from more than 20 countries, hoping that they will return to their countries getting acquainted with three outcomes such as the new innovations that can contribute to improving health systems then boosting their friendship with their counterparts from other health systems in addition to securing a permanent reference to WISH, on a database that can be invested in developing the health care.
HH the Chairperson of QF said we met here today under the umbrella of WISH meeting sharing a belief in the importance of addressing the various challenges that will not succeed in finding effective solutions to its problems unless we launch from priorities of education and health to priorities of innovation in education and health and any approach to universal basic education in the absence of universal health care would not lead to the desired results in any of the two areas, it is imperative that the developmental syndromes ( education and health) are indivisible .
HH noted that the statistics indicate that there are at least one billion people who do not have access to health services each year and 250 million people annually suffering financial crises as a result of paying fees for such services.
To face these serious repercussions of such figures decision-makers, partners, scientists and experts meet to change the facts of health realities in the world towards a greater ambition, Sheikha Moza added, saying "what we are looking forward to go beyond the basics to having the ability to make quality health coverage accessible to everyone and everywhere and in so doing we are activating human rights which we should not only speak about their acknowledgement but rather their realization and as the privision of health care comes in the heart of such rights, we must bear ethical responsibility about it, HH Sheikha Moza said .
 HH Sheikha Moza said the concern we are sharing with many people around the world is no longer confined to the need to provide basic health service for all but goes beyond that to the emergence, from time to time, of new serious epidemics the last of which was Ebola.
We wanted from the beginning for WISH conference to be a platform for examining ideas, researches at the highest- levels of scientific progress in the world of medical care and for emphasizing the dissemination of the culture of innovation as well as bringing decision-makers, companies and academic institutions toghether in order to have their influence on policy makers to recognize the need for change and to work to achieve it, HH Sheikha Moza added, stressing that innovation is not a political decision but it is a culture of society requiring an establishment based on development.
Based on WISH vision, we have worked in Qatar to strengthen health care and benefited from its thoughts ' as many of you have done ' in establishing a partnership between various relevant institutions in the country. WISH executive team was formed to apply researches and recommendations of WISH 2013, HH said, indicating that Hamad Medical Corporation succeeded in combining innovation and patient involvement together through a questionnaire that explore views of patients and deal with their reactions. This year WISH also established a network of young innovators and beginners to support future of innovation, HH said.
As part of the genome project, which was launched last year, recently a new building for Biobank was opened, HH Sheikha Moza said explaining that the building is equipped with advanced capabilities to help in starting genome programme through which we work to move towards personalized medicine.