The State will bear the costs of medical care for the wounded of the Revolution and provide them with the necessary guidance and psychological support, announced the National Defence Ministry\'s representative, Colonel Major Mokhtar Ben Nasr. During the regular meeting of the Prime Ministry\'s communication cell, on Tuesday morning in Tunis, Colonel Major Ben Nasr said that the State will also pay for the medical treatment abroad of some cases, in accordance with the decisions taken last September 23 by the ministerial working meeting. The National Defence Ministry\'s representative pointed out that the group of the Revolution injured who headed, on Saturday morning, to the Military Hospital to claim the right to medical care were influenced by some unknown side. He reminded that technical and medical commissions are being formed to study the files on the case-by-case basis, determine the degree of physical disability and establish the final list of the Revolution wounded to avoid any possible confusion. He asserted that the assault on the Military Hospital emergency ward, whoever instigated it, could not in any way serve the interest of the injured of the Revolution. The representative of the National Defence Ministry said that the unrest that erupted in the town of Jebeniana, Governorate of Sfax, last October 1 and 2 was the result of a road accident, in which the driver ran away after having collided with a motorcyclist. The accident turned into violence, then in a wide disorder which culminated in a group of youths\' attacking the local hospital. He said that the joint security and National Army forces who were present on the scene at the hospital were assaulted by a group of youth with a paralysing gas. Some assailants also sought to seize the weapon of an officer of this unit, a captain. He paid tribute to the captain who showed courage and managed to deal with the situation by firing shots in the air, though the law allows him to defend himself and save his weapon by shooting on his aggressor. The representative of the National Defence Ministry reviewed the recent preparations to ensure the safety of the electoral process. He said, in this regard, that the 4627 polling stations will be guarded by military units to offer the best conditions for the election.