
Research has revealed how fats - including cholesterol - could increase the progression of aggressive cancers. 
Associate Professor Michelle Hill said the findings offered potential new treatment strategies and targets. 
"Our previous research showed a high cholesterol diet increased the spread of prostate cancer tumours to lymph nodes, lungs and bones," Dr Hill said. 
"The new study has extended the results to melanoma, breast, ovarian and kidney cancers by analysing published data sets." Dr Hill said cholesterol and other fats were essential components of cell membranes, and played a role in regulating processes such as cell migration and division. 
"Cholesterol makes specialised membrane regions which are important regulators of cell function, and our laboratory has been investigating how these membrane regions increase cancer progression," Dr Hill said. 
"By comparing data published by other research groups using melanoma, breast and kidney cancer models, we were able to identify common mechanisms associated with increased cancer progression. 
"Interestingly, the amount of cytoskeleton (cell skeleton) proteins at the cholesterol membranes are elevated in more aggressive cancers in all models." The cytoskeleton is a network of fibres connecting parts of the cell, which plays an important role in structural integrity. 
"Some chemotherapy drugs work on breaking up the cytoskeleton, notably the taxane family of drugs including docetaxel. 
"Because of its importance in all cells, targeting the cytoskeleton leads to toxicities and side effects for patients.

Source : QNA