Dr Faleh Mohamed Hussain Ali

The Supreme Council of Health (SCH) has announced the conclusion of its master plan for healthcare facilities 2013-2033, which sets the main aspects that Qatar will use to enhance its vision in reaching a world-class health system and provide the necessary facilities through the wise use of resources.
In a press conference to unveil the plan, SCH assistant secretary general for policy affairs Dr. Faleh Mohamed Hussain Ali said investment in healthcare infrastructure is a health priority and a social issue, adding that easing access ti healthcare services improves living standards for individuals and families now and in the future.
The master plan, which comes as part of the National Health Strategy 2011-2016, comprises four five-year plans and 46 projects and will contribute to the rationalization, coherence and coordination between existing and proposed health care facilities.
It will also ensure that spending is directly correlative with the needs of the population and the broader perspective of healthcare.