A biannual campaign tied to when clocks get changed urges U.S. adults to check and update their emergency stockpiles of food, water and medicine. Alan Baker, interim executive director of the American Public Health Association, said this year a multitude of extreme weather events from Hurricane Irene, to wildfires in Texas, to freak snowstorms before Halloween -- displaced countless residents, and injured or even killed others. The Get Ready: Set Your Clocks, Check Your Stocks, biannual campaign is to raise awareness of the importance of having a stocked emergency preparedness kit of food, water, first-aid supplies, medications and food for pets, Baker said. "Though we can't predict when or where disaster will strike, there are simple proactive steps each of us can take now to mitigate the impact and keep ourselves, our families and our communities safe," Baker said in a statement. "If you don't have an emergency stockpile at home or work, this time of year is the perfect opportunity to create one. If you already have a stockpile, it's important to replenish it." Twice a year, Baker recommended to: -- Make sure you have at least three days' supply of food -- one gallon per person, per day -- and water stored. -- Write down how you will get in touch with one another during an emergency. -- Collect all your medications together and make sure there is always several days more. -- Save money, make a list and buy items when they go on sale. Or shop at stores that carry bulk items and then split the cost with a preparedness buddy. -- Prepare food, water, toys and carrier for pets