At least 78 people have been admitted to a local hospital in western Zambia following an outbreak of an unknown disease, the Post of Zambia reported on Tuesday. A strange disease has broken out in Kalabo district in Western province. The strange disease is making people to vomit, have diarrhea and pneumonia. Dr. Reuben Mbewe, Ministry of Health spokersperson, said the district had been reporting increased number of patients presented with sudden onset of fever since Oct. 24. The health official has however said signs and symptoms of the disease were consistent with typhoid but confirmatory laboratory investigations were still being awaited. \"The disease is affecting all ages of both male and female patients. There have been no deaths amongst the hospitalized cases, \" he was quoted as saying by the paper. He said of the 78 people that were admitted, 65 were still receiving treatment while 13 have been discharged, adding that health officials in the district have responded well and providing appropriate medical attention to the patients.